Thursday, March 30, 2017

JavaScript filter thisArg

I was attempting to write an amazing filter that would just return an array of objects where a property was true or false (and I wanted to be able to choose a value at runtime). This seemed reasonably straight forward:

function filterBySomeProp(object) {
  return object.someBoolProp === this;
bigArrayOfObjects.filter(filterBySomeProp, true);

Unfortunately it didn't give the expected result - turns out when passing the primitive bool as the thisArg, it gets converted to a Boolean object, and strict equality checks fail (e.g '===') as the value and type is checked. This is fixed by wrapping the primitive value when doing the check:

function filterBySomeProp(object) {
  return Boolean(object.someBoolProp) === this;


Happy filtering!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Learning in the open - mobprogramming

One of the best things about mob programming (#mobprogramming on twitter) is the way that the team shares learning.

Our team recently worked on a tool to remove unused AWS stacks, dedicating quite a few lunchtimes to the cause. We decided it would be a great opportunity to try some mob programming, as it was a project that we were all excited about.

In the process we

  • Learnt some emacs
  • Learnt about using the Serverless framework (AWS lambda under the hood) for the first time
  • Worked out how we were going to test our application
  • Familiarised ourselves with recursion and promises in javascript
  • Came up against deployment and runtime problems

While each of these could have been done solo, mob programming gave us the opportunity to:

  • Talk the problems through, coming up with better design
  • Get comfortable asking for explaination when we're unclear - showing that we don't know it all
  • Bring something new to the table that other people don't know - even if we've just found it ourselves
  • Teach others
  • Share the joy of seeing something working that we've worked on so closely together

One of the biggest benefits is individuals showing they don't know everything. Often as software developers we suffer from imposter syndrome, but just exposing that we're all learning can encourage a better culture where people are happy being vulnerable - where they feel they can ask questions without judgement.

Have you tried mob programming? What do you think are the benefits? Drawbacks?

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Spinning down your cloud costs

One of the best things about the cloud is the ability to spin up new infrastructure for your dev environment. You can have a completely isolated environment for a new branch that you're working on, allowing you to test your changes in isolation.

This is fantastic as you can speed ahead on changes unencumbered - the only problem is that you'll leave a trail of cash sitting in your cloud providers pockets, which often doesn't work out so well for your business.

To attack our cost blowouts, we started a side project in our lunchtime to figure out how we can stop the hurt, and came up with Batman built using Serverless. Most of our infrastructure is managed in a single place (cloudformation) with a set of tags associated with each stack including the slice (or branch name), and the cloudformation stack keeps a created date & last update date. Utilizing this information Batman runs every night to cleanup stacks that are on non-master branches where the stack hasn't been updated for 7 days. This is usually enough time for us to have tested the branch and integrated it into the master stack.

We've also recently added a webhook trigger that deletes a stack when the branch is deleted in git which saves us up to 7 days of running costs.

We've stopped over 300 stacks in a month, and at a guesstimate of $1 per day running costs for a stack, the dollars quickly add up.

There are many ways to save costs, and we've found that for our journey into AWS, Batman has come about at the right time. Not only has it been interesting to explore serverless, our team got to do a lot of the work with some mob programming which was really fun (more to come).